Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I can't wait to see you again (part 2)

If you think the sound of someone hammering a wall when you have a headache is the worst, wait till you hear the loud thumping of your heart when you're hanging off a cliff or worse standing in front of what might be your 'soul mate'...

I counted till ten in my head, I'm not sure if it was to stall a few seconds or to clear my head of the constant thoughts which seemed to be piling in, but it did calm me down. I looked up and smiled.
'Thanks, but I'm good.'
And before i could look away, there it was again, the now familiar smile...
Very few people can emote well with their eyes, and his spoke volumes, as frivolous as it may sound, i could suddenly see myself with him, walking along the moors.. We weren't holding hands, neither was there any violin playing in the background, but somehow even in that momentary day dream, i knew i was meant to be with him..
"And the first place goes to Jatayu." The diva had announced the results.
The hoots and the screams that followed were enough to snap me back into reality, i held out the certificates for him to distribute (maybe, just maybe our hands would touch and i would find out if bells do really ring when then happens), but the diva intervened. Cursing him under my breath, i held out the trophies for him to distribute...

The event was now over, he'd go back in a few minutes and maybe I'd never see him again. Just a few minutes ago i wanted to escape his presence and yet now somehow, his conge pricked me. I gave out the mementos meant for the judges without making as little as an eye contact, mumbled a thanks to both of them and turned to leave. The ocean of students would soon engulf them and just as a boat during a mellow tide, they would drift further and further away and soon disappear..

'Out of sight, out of mind dippy!', I reassured myself. I turned around to pick up my bag and there he was.
"Looking for this?." He held out my bag.
'Erm yea, thanks'.I reached for it and looked away quickly.
'You look like you're from the student's union, could you, uh help me out a bit... Please?'
He didn't have to ask me twice.
'Sure how can i help you?'
'Well I thought the event would take longer, so I'd asked my sister to come in only later. Can you guide me to the guest room so i can wait there?' He gave that smile of his again. How could anyone ever say no to that?
'Sure, this way.' I lead on, biting my lip to stop my mind from drifting into another fantasy, and who knew, maybe that would stop the blood from rushing to my cheeks everytime he innocently enticed me with that smile...

I held open the door for him.
' There you go, oh would you like something to drink or eat?'
' No thanks i'm good. I guess i'll just wait.. Thanks again er....'
'Deepti.. I'm Deepti'
' Thanks Deepti..'
'Deepti', he said again. Sigh my named seemed so beautiful coming from his lips.
'The one who brings light.. Isn't that what it means?'
I nodded. He'd been the first to say that, most people simply interpreted it for an analogue for light.
He looked up at me again, i could see a question in his eyes, or was it something else.
I cleared my throat, he looked away.
'Well, i better be goin then, thanks again for coming today, I really hope you'll be able to come back soon for another event'. I chanted a well rehearsed dialogue and stepped towards the door...

Just as i turned the door knob, he spoke again.
'Hey Deepti, if it's ok with you um could you give me company for a while? Till my sister is here?Please?'

I didn't have to look at him to know that the smile was back on his face. I swept the hair off my face and turned to him. " How hard could it be", I thought to myself.
He looked at the chair opposite him, and then at me.
I was getting better at understanding his gestures, i put my bag down and walked up to the chair. Suddenly it was hard to even breath. Breath in.. Breath out.. Breath in... and then???

I looked up, he mouthed a 'thanks'

I smiled, and that was all it took, before i knew it i was lost again in those deep eyes..It was just him and me, everything else around seemed a blur, the only thing i could see werethose intense eyes, the only thing that i could herewas my own heart racing. Why did i feel so connected to such a total stranger, what was that he had that no one i ever knew had, that left me so agog? I couldn't help but wonder!!

Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak,
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.

We'd be together for only a few more minutes now would i be able to recover from this silly delusion i had fallen prey to? or would i sink in deeper? What was happening to me?


atul said...

louve at first sight eh :D

Deepti said...


Vedha said...

part 3!!!!!!!!

shrayasr said...

*runs in circles*

I want part 3 !!!!


Nithya said...

This is so romantic and cute. :) waiting for the next part..

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