Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Posted by Deepti at 10:20 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Of mallipoos and Sungudis
Yes you brilliant soul who got the hint from the title, indeed i am refering to the temple town of மதுரை (OK i wonder if that was spelt right!! )
Posted by Deepti at 10:02 AM 3 comments
Every once in a while, one needs a change.. something different about something.. Not cos things aren't good the way they are ( maybe they are) but cos one wants to explore newer pastures.
And well thats the same reason i've been searching for better templates ( than the simple ones blogger provides us with).
And now, thanks to the initiative Vedha took, i have a new look to my blog..
well its not ALL that different now, but why change everything all together? let's go one step at a time :)
Posted by Deepti at 7:35 AM 3 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
yet another day?
All of us had been cramming up for our exams for the past few days and had (almost) completely forgotten bout "Teacher's day"
Only on 4th night were we ( well atleast the 2nd years) frantically texting each other discussiing what we should do for the special day (though honestly half the ppl called to ask wat the portions for the UNIX pracs were.. lol)
lets have a lil flash bak now shall we..
let me explain the scene. its around 7 in the eve on the 4th, here i was searchin for the print outs of the programs and tryin to hunt them on the groups at the same time, the last thing i wanna d o is answer the phone.But hey its supri callin so i HAD to answer especially considerin the current scenario. so anyway..
DP: haan bol ( wat? that's how i always start a convo with supri)
Supri: What are we gonna do tomoro?
DP: i don know dude, i cant find the programs hunting for them on the groups, not started studyin yet.
Supri: Bledy! i'm not talking bout the exams, it's teachers day tomoro, wat are we doin for the teachers?
DP: oh shit, i forgot. So wat do we do?
Supri: thats wat i'm askin yu.
DP: and thats wat I'M askin YU.
Supri: oh man, lets get them a cake.
DP: ask vedha.
Supri: k wat else can we do?
DP: uh.... *thinks while still searchin for programs* ask vedha??!!??
Supri: aaaaaaaaaaaargh.. i mean wat do we get them
DP:* finds the file* YAY
Supri: huh?
DP: oh no nothin.. huh yeah yeah gr8 idea..
Supri: i never said anything. i ASKED yu somethin
DP: wat?
Supri: wat do we GET THEM!!!!!!!!!!
DP: oh yaaaaaaa.. hey wait i'll sketch
Supri: yu don have the time
DP: point
Supri: though i dare yu, yu cant draw a pic of HOD smilin
DP: oh yeah?? yu're on! wats the bet.
Supri: hey wait! yu're Deepti, the HOD always smiles at yu, so yu wont need much imagination.No seriously dude wat do we get them
DP: lets all pass in tomoro's exam nd tell them "ma'am the best gift a student can give a teacher, no errors in a compsci program..
Supri: Mokkai man! he he he he
DP: hmph so wat do we get them
Supri: tell yu wat, call reenu, she always has brilliant ideas
DP: wogays, nd yu call madam council member, she may have planned somethin.. oh nd yeah, ask vedha
Supri: yeah yeah..
And then we move onto the next convo, me callin reenu
*tring tring*
Reenu: yeah dude i was jus gonna call yu. there's this event tomro for samsung, charles jus called me bout it, he needs an MC, its tomoro nd day after, 11 to 8 at island grounds. He's already got all the girls for promotional activities their pay isnt much. if yu go as an MC they'll pay around 2k. travel is paid for.... *stops to breath*
DP: uh... hi!
Reenu: the work'll be pretty easy nd see the pay is good, they need ppl who're good in english nd fun loving ppl, deepa's english isnt all that great, i don think priya can handle somethin like that, i'm sure that upa's family wont let her out so late, plus they need a good looking person
DP: *wonders if that was an indirect compliment*
Reenu:so yu're like the ideal person to go. the same thing'll probably be there next weekend for the same pay. I'll give yu charles number...*stops to breath again*
DP:*clears throat* hang on hang on.What bout tomoro?
Reenu: oh no no the event starts only on the saturday nothing tomoro though if yu want to do something tomoro, there's this OTHER event charles and i were talkin bout. all though the pay isnt all that great...
DP: DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reenu: yeah wat?
DP: i wasnt talkin bout the event.
Reenu: oh shit yeah the pracs. oh man i donno wat i'm gonna do tomoro, i have no idea wats to study in UNIX
DP: welcome to the club but i was refering to teachers day.What do we do for the teachers?
Reenu: uh yu wanna do somethin?
DP: uh it'd be nice if we could.
Reenu: cake it IS then.
DP: thats it?
Reenu: uh i think thats enuf for them, wat else dyu wanna do.
DP: i have NO clue.
Reenu: tell yu wat? ask vedha.
DP: Supri's probably doin that right now
Reenu: OH... Supri... she got any plans?
DP: zilch
Reenu: hmmm well wat bout the event, i know 8 is late but it'll be worth it. blah blah blah
DP: *readin program for 2d rotation* ah huh? hmmm.. yeeeeeeeeah.. right right.. *after readin it* hey i'll jus call supri again, i'll get bak to yu bout the event.. ciao for now
Reenu: yeah dude.
....and all WE had to do was make noise :)
the music had been planned so had the games, the cake was ready
nd so were the speeches
(well except for KD's who had the first line " Hey ppl this is KD" nd the last line" nd finally i thank yu")
but the end result was amazing and boy did we have fun.. whether it was the impromptu speeches..(must say sd's was the BEST) all she did was give that AMAZIN amile nd say "uh.... THANK yu" nd quickly turn around.
Then of course we had the official "floral welcome"
nd then the time for the teachers to give speeches where HOD ( in response to Chitu's question,repeated haridas sir's fav line and) said " Yu're ALL my gems ma, how can i segregate nd say who is better than the other? you're all the same to me".
Then as always we had the games, musical chairs nd HOD won.. YAY!
well all in all it was jus so much fun that i wish days like this would come more often
so here's to all those teachers who guided us all thro' our life.
Posted by Deepti at 10:16 AM 7 comments